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BE PRESENT: Did I notice the color of the crocuses or the eyes of the last person I spoke with?

Dr. Catherine Florio Pipas

This is often how I measure my degree of attention in the moment. As the winter turns s-l-o-w-l-y to spring in New England, I am reminded of the passage of time by the transition of seasons.

Early blooms cause me to stop and consider who and what matter to me. Many share with me their personal goals to be more mindful and their focus on this for 10 minutes everyday at various times in the morning, after work, or before bedtime. I’m often asked if being mindful for 10 minutes a day will actually result in a more mindful life?

I believe that my brief look at the crocuses and the color of others eyes are reminders to STOP, to observe and to commit to slowing down the pace of my life; possibly even saying no to one request in order to fully engage in another activity or with a treasured person in my life.I, like many others, thrive on those 10-minute intervals of deep meditation where I am fully focused on the sounds, sights, smells and sensations around me.

These moments, I believe direct me toward a mindful way of living – but then it is lost again on the eleventh moment and I catch my mind - off worrying, wandering, not looking at the crocuses, not looking in eyes and not listening to the sounds of the world around me. But I can get it back and I can go deeper – so perhaps it is not the 10 minutes of intense mindfulness, but the consciousness of mindlessness is itself, that is a reminder to observe the crocuses and to be present!

Catherine Florio Pipas March 2018

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